December 20, 2021
Cheng Li’s Middle-Class Shanghai argues that American policymakers must not lose sight of the expansive dynamism and diversity in present-day China. The caricature of the PRC as a monolithic Communist apparatus set on exporting its ideology and development model is simplistic and misguided. Drawing on empirical research in the realms of higher
December 16, 2021
Dear WSCRC Members and Friends, It is with great sadness that the Washington State China Relations Council informs you of the passing of Stan Barer, one of the founding members of the Council who was instrumental in improving the U.S.-China relationship. Stan passed away peacefully on the eve of Dec.
November 11, 2021
The U.S. China Business Council (USCBC), in coordination with the WSCRC, has interviewed a number of WSCRC member companies to understand the importance of the China market to these firms, as part of its “50 States, 50 Stories” initiative. The fifth of the Washington State story is with WSCRC member,
November 8, 2021
Welcome to the Washington State China Relations Council’s first “China Quarterly Report.” The intent of this communique is to provide timely and important information about U.S.-China relations, key developments of interest and relevance in China, and an update on the progress of local entities in their interactions with China. The
November 8, 2021
The U.S. China Business Council (USCBC), in coordination with the WSCRC, has interviewed a number of WSCRC member companies to understand the importance of the China market to these firms, as part of its “50 States, 50 Stories” initiative. The fourth of the Washington State story is with Seattle-based GX
October 28, 2021
The U.S. China Business Council (USCBC), in coordination with the WSCRC, has interviewed a number of WSCRC member companies to understand the importance of the China market to these firms, as part of its “50 States, 50 Stories” initiative. The third of the Washington State story is with the Greater
The WSCRC Invites China-based Experts to Address the New Realities for Businesses Operating in China
October 15, 2021
The webinar featured two China experts who provided meaningful insights and candid opinions on the obstacles arising for U.S. companies in China. Shan Huang, deputy managing editor and an editorial board member of Caixin Media, focused on the new buzzwords in China, "common prosperity" and "dual circulation". He pointed out
October 11, 2021
The WSCRC congratulates Nelson Dong, a board member and former Chairman of the Washington State China Relations Council, on being selected by the Puget Sound Business Journal as one of their eight “Directors of Year” for 2021. The board members are recognized for their outstanding contributions to a range of
October 6, 2021
The U.S. China Business Council (USCBC), in coordination with the WSCRC, has interviewed a number of WSCRC member companies to understand the importance of the China market to these firms, as part of its “50 States, 50 Stories” initiative. The second of the Washington State story is about Starr Ranch
October 5, 2021
The U.S. China Business Council (USCBC), in coordination with the WSCRC, has interviewed a number of WSCRC member companies to understand the importance of the China market to these firms, as part of its "50 States, 50 Stories" initiative. The first of the Washington State story, an interview with John
September 17, 2021
On September 15, Clyde Prestowitz, an economist, former U.S. trade negotiator and author of several best-selling books on globalization and Asia discussed his recent book, “The World Turned Upside Down: America, China, and the Struggle for Global Leadership” at a WSCRC webinar. Mr. Prestowitz outlined the economic growth history and
July 22, 2021
Dear WSCRC Members and Friends, It is with great sadness that the Washington State China Relations Council marks the passing of Robert Carl Anderson (Bob), one of the founders and the first president of the Council. Bob died peacefully on July 8th, just a few days before his 92nd birthday. Bob