May 1, 2017
On May 23, 2017 WSCRC convened the third session of its Policy Briefing Series (PBS) with an off-the-record briefing from Consul-General of the Republic of Korea Moon Duk-ho on "North Korea’s Nuclear Program: Implications for Washington State and US-China-Korea Relations." The WSCRC PBS engages leading subject-matter experts from government, industry,
April 28, 2017
Saturday, May 6, 2017 Montlake Cut, Seattle Regatta 10 a.m. – Noon Opening Day Boat Parade Noon – 2 p.m. Details at The University of Washington and Windermere Real Estate are excited to host the 31st annual Windermere Cup races to be held on Saturday, May 6, on Lake
April 24, 2017
On April 19, 2017 WSCRC launched the first session of its Policy Briefing Series (PBS) with briefings from Godfrey Guerzon, Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) Senior Special Agent and Nelson Dong, Head of Dorsey & Whitney’s National Security Law Group and co-Head of its Asian Law Group. The WSCRC PBS engages
March 18, 2017
WSCRC convened its 37th Annual Banquet on March 15, 2017 at the Bell Harbor Conference Center in Seattle. More than 260 guests representing key sectors – aerospace, agriculture, architecture, banking, bio-tech, clean-tech, hi-tech, investment, law, manufacturing, real estate, shipping, etc. – as well as national, state and local government attended
February 20, 2017
The nonprofit trade group's new chairman and president said Trump lacks the subtle diplomacy to secure the improvements he wants. Read full article here:
January 18, 2017
The Washington State China Relations Council helped to organize and lead a weeklong business mission to China May 9 to 13 that resulted in nine major agreements and investments. Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and 60 business and education leaders visited Hong Kong and Shenzhen, a city with more than 10
September 23, 2015
Madame Peng Liyuan, the wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, visited the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center on September 23 as her only official visit while in Seattle. Together with Bill and Melinda Gates and Fred Hutch President Dr. Gary Gilliland, she toured the HIV vaccine lab and met with
September 22, 2015
Washington state is ready to welcome China’s President Xi Jinping today when he makes Seattle the first stop in his visit to the United States. President Xi will give the only major policy speech of his trip on September 22.
September 22, 2015
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his delegation departed from Paine Field Sept. 24 following two full days of meetings and announcements with many of Washington’s top business and government leaders. Gov. Jay Inslee, who led a trade delegation to China in 2013, invited President Xi to Washington because of the