February 26, 2020
Originally published on Seattle Times February 12, 2020 There has been a long, deafening silence from the Trump administration on the coronavirus. What actions have transpired include steps to protect U.S. citizens, which we support, but also embarrassing gaffes, such as Wilbur Ross’ rightly pilloried remark that the coronavirus presents
January 17, 2020
The Washington State China Relations Council welcomes the signing of the Phase One Trade Deal with China. The Council sees the agreement as a modest step in getting the two economies back to business, however, the deal does not address the underlying issues of conflict between the two countries. Under
December 13, 2019
The WSCRC welcomes today's announcement by the U.S. and Chinese Governments of a “Phase One” trade agreement between the two countries, putting a temporary pause to the trade war. The agreement covers issues that have been at the center of the trade negotiations, including intellectual property, forced technology transfer, agriculture,
November 21, 2019
WSCRC Executive Director Nor Coquillard recently participated in a panel conversation that was recorded for a Podcast episode of Crosscut Talks. The panel was convened to talk about the aborted WTO Ministerial Session in 1999 and whether the issues raised by the protestors of ’99 are still valid today. The
September 13, 2019
4 Steps for Trump Administration to Resolve the China Trade War By: J. Norwell Coquillard Published online on Seattle Times September 12, 2019 The future of U.S.-China relations is critical to the economic well-being of Washington state. China is our state’s most important export destination, source of investment, and trade
August 16, 2019
By: Spencer Cohen Published online on Seattle Business Mag, August 2019 A prolonged trade war would devastate Washington's economy If left unchecked, the trade war between the U.S. and China has the potential for long-lasting damage to the Washington state economy. U.S. businesses have many legitimate grievances toward China, including
August 7, 2019
By: Ann Scott Tyson Published online on Christian Science Monitor August 6, 2019 https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2019/0806/For-Northwest-fishermen-latest-catch-is-trade-war-trouble As President Donald Trump announced new tariffs on China last week in a trade war with no end in sight, American salmon fisherman Sven Stroosma set his sights on the blue waters of the Gulf of
August 7, 2019
By LINDA DENG in Seattle | China Daily Global Published on line on China Daily July 26, 2019: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201907/26/WS5d39d5caa310d830564010ab.html Norwell Coquillard has taken the reins at the crucial Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC) at a pivotal time in the bilateral relationship. "The US-China relationship is highly contentious and volatile,"
July 16, 2019
The Washington State China Relations Council supports the expansion and strengthening of trade links between the U.S. and China. The Council’s members, comprising over 100 companies, civic organizations and individuals in Washington state, believe that increased trade, economic cooperation and business activity will lead to greater prosperity in both countries
July 3, 2019
For Immediate Release Media Contact: Man Wang, WSCRC manw@wscrc.org 206-389-7204 WASHINGTON STATE CHINA RELATIONS COUNCIL NAMES NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, STRENGTHENS POSITION AT CRITICAL TIME Nation’s oldest state-level China organization advocates for constructive relations amid tension JUNE 27, 2019 – SEATTLE – The Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC) is
June 28, 2018
WSCRC Chair T. Andrew Wilson served as a resource in a recent China Daily USA article on the possible outcome of tariffs on US exports to China in Washington State. As the article discusses, "The Boeing Co becomes a focus of attention whenever the US and China threaten tariffs on
February 20, 2017
The nonprofit trade group's new chairman and president said Trump lacks the subtle diplomacy to secure the improvements he wants. Read full article here: http://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/news/2017/02/17/wscrc-mercy-kuo-t-andrew-wilson-china-trump.html