Resuscitation: Insights into the Dynamics of China-Japan Relations
Recently, we have witnessed a series of moves made by both China and Japan to repair the bilateral relations. While we are celebrating the ongoing amendment, we also need to realize the relationship between China and Japan has been strained for almost a decade, and that the tension still looms large. How will the China-Japan relations develop in the near future? What does this mean for the U.S. and its strategies in Asia-Pacific?
The Committee on China-U.S. Dialogue at the University of Washington is honored to have Professor Ezra Vogel from Harvard University and Professor Ken Pyle from University of Washington to hold a special dialogue on the matter. The dialogue will focus on the detailed discussion of Prof. Vogel’s new book China and Japan: Facing History. The two renowned scholars on Asia-Pacific studies will delve into the sharing history of China and Japan and seek ways to heal the wound, and encourage both sides to initiate cooperation, so as to stabilize a deteriorating world order.
Attendance is free. Registration is required.