Mandarin Webinar | 与您携手共度难关: 在COVID-19期间帮助公司解析工资保护项目(PPP)和其他资源
We’re In This Together:
Helping Companies Navigate the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) & Other Resources During COVID-19
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides a number of resources for small businesses and non-profits during COVID-19 including $659 billion in funding available via the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Join representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) as they review the new funding opportunities including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans, the SBA Debt Relief and Express Bridge Loans.
Ellie He 何超
Certified Business Advisor 商务顾问
Ellie He 是经华盛顿州 SBDC 认证的商务顾问 (CBA)、经NASIBTE 认证的国际贸易专业人士 (CGBP)。她拥有多元化的背景,在公共和私营部门以及小企业和大公司都有丰富的经验,包括在高盖茨国际律师事务所的全球业务发展团队中任职七年。作为华盛顿州SBDC的商务顾问,Ellie为西雅图地区的中小企业服务,她还帮助华盛顿州西部各地的中小企业发展他们的出口业务。Ellie 拥有宾夕法尼亚州立大学的工商管理硕士学位,并熟练掌握中英文。
Ellie He is a Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Certified Business Advisor (CBA) and a NASIBTE Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP). She has a diverse background with experience in both the public and private sectors and with both small businesses and large corporations, including seven years on the global business development team of K&L Gates, an international law firm. In her business advisor’s role at Washington SBDC, Ellie serves the Seattle area. She also helps businesses across Western Washington grow their export business. Ellie holds an MBA from Pennsylvania State University and is bilingual in English and Mandarin.
Man-Li Kuo Lin 林曼丽
Economic Development Specialist 经济发展专家|地区新兴领导人计划项目经理
林曼丽(Man-Li Kuo Lin)是美国小企业署(SBA)纽约地区办公室的经济发展专员。她与SBA的营销团队合作,负责为纽约州的14个郡的小型企业提供相关资源,帮助他们发展和壮大业务。她还是NYDO的国际贸易官员,新兴领导人CEO培训项目经理。 Man-Li于2006年加入SBA,曾担任地区级的新兴领导人CEO培训计划项目经理,国际贸易官员,PRIME受赠者协调员,经济发展监察专家,资深企业发展官员,小企业发展中心(SBDC)项目官员; 妇女商业中心(WBC)地区办事处技术代表。 曼丽出生于台湾,拥有国立台湾大学的中国文学学士学位。此外,她还获得了长岛大学C.W. Post校区的“管理工程”和“第二语言英语教学”的两个硕士学位。
Man-Li Kuo Lin is an Economic Development Specialist with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) New York District Office. She works with the SBA’s marketing team in the delivery of small business resources to develop and grow businesses in 14 counties throughout New York. She is also the International Trade Officer, Emerging Leaders CEO Training Project Manager for NYDO. Joining the SBA in 2006, Man-Li has also served in district roles as Emerging Leaders CEO Training Program Project Manager, International Trade Officer, PRIME Grantee Liaison, Supervisory Economic Development Specialist, Veteran Business Development Officer, Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Project Officer; and Women’s Business Center (WBC) District Office Technical Representative. Man-Li was born in Taiwan and earned her bachelor’s degree in Chinese Literature from the National Taiwan University. She also earned two master’s degrees in “Management Engineering” and “Teaching English as Second Language” from Long Island University, C.W. Post campus.