CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BRIEFING SERIES–Navigating the World of the US-China Trade War and Technology Distrust: A Conversation with James McGregor
The US and Chinese business worlds — from business education to manufacturing supply chains to venture capital investing to scientific research to technology innovation — have become very deeply intertwined in the past few decades. In many ways this has been good for both countries. But it also has created winners and losers. So today we face a new world in which economic and geopolitical grievances and the incompatible political DNA of these two countries have come to the fore. With China slipping back into top-down Market Leninism, and the US rapidly rejecting globalization and established trade protocols, both countries are reveling in their own version of victimhood and hammering away at nativist political themes. Let’s have a discussion of how can businesses on each side of this skirmish can try to navigate through these political minefields.