WSCRC Webinar: Operating under Coronavirus Restrictions: Tales from China
In this Webinar we will hear of some of the best practices multinational companies operating in China developed during their period of coronavirus restrictions. James Loudon, the General Manager and Forum Director at IMA Asia will tell us how companies adapted to the quickly changing environment caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus in China and pass on some the lessons learned by these same companies.
As the U.S. businesses struggle to operate under lockdowns similar to what recently happened in China, there are valuable insights that can be learned from companies in China.
IMA Asia provides macro-economic analysis and business insights through running management peer groups throughout Asia and Australia. Their current membership includes over 250 of the world’s leading companies. With over 25 years of operating experience IMA provides a forum for C- suite executives to share experiences and insights with their peers.
During the peak of the coronavirus period in China IMA conducted daily virtual meetings with China based CEO’s to share developments and best practices. James will outline some of the crucial learnings from experience and also describe how his firm’s operations have been transformed by coronavirus.
Specific areas that James will discuss include:
- Issues with working from home
- Variable pay for companies under stress
- Scenario Planning
- Financial support for suppliers and customers
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