The Washington State China Relations Council condemns the rise of hate crimes against people of Asian and Pacific ethnicity. As the country’s oldest state-level organization dedicated to improving ties with China, the Council strives to create relationships and build greater understanding among the people of China and the United States. We are saddened by the alarming increase in hateful speech and violence directed towards the Asian immigrant and AAPI communities and extend our support and condolences to all those affected.
Since the onset of COVID-19, the irresponsible labelling of the pandemic as the “China Virus” and other racially charged epithets have exacerbated a trend of increased discrimination and resentment towards immigrants in general, and specifically those from Asia. The Council stands with members of the AAPI community and celebrates the great contributions made to our shared community by Asians of all origins. Here in the Puget Sound region, Asian-Americans comprise a significant share of our population, adding diversity and vibrancy to our community. The heritage of our region is tied to the flourishing of a multi-cultural society which has long included Asians and Pacific Islanders.
The Council will continue to denounce both individual and institutional racism. We have worked for many years to increase cross-cultural understanding with Asia. We will be unceasing in our efforts to assure individuals of all ethnicities that this community is their community.