Original article can be read here .
The Food with Love Program, which has drawn tremendous attention in the Seattle region, is making its final push after joining forces with the Washington State China Relations Fund (WSCRF) and Tsinghua GIX North America.
这次公益行动最初目标是向一线抗疫人员送出价值40万美元的爱心餐,截至5月31日已超额完成 —- 餐厅全额捐餐17,620份,价值约32万美元;后续募集现金6.24万美元,已向餐厅购餐5,062份。目前总共已送出20,878份,到达26个医疗机构、警察消防等一线抗疫机构以及需要救助的社区人员手中。最近还将送出1,835份,合计送出22,713份,总价值40.5万美元。
As of May 31, the program has already exceeded its initial goal of $400,000 in meals and cash donations. Participating restaurants have donated 17,620 meals worth $320,000 and supporting parties and individuals contributed cash of $62,400, which was used to purchase 5,062 meals from the restaurants. As of today, a total of 20,878 meals have been delivered to 26 hospitals, testing sites, and police stations. Before the program ends on June 30, 2020, 1,835 additional meals will be delivered to sites in King County, which will conclude the program by successfully providing 22,713 meals.
爱心午餐行动第一阶段胜利完成,CCCWA,WSCRF和清华GIX三个非盈利机构又联合发起第二阶段行动:“你们帮助他们,我们帮助你们!” 行动呼吁社会各界继续捐款支持已经参与热心义捐的餐厅,用所得善款补贴他们所捐餐食的部分成本。众所周知,餐饮业在此次新冠疫情中遭受了前所未有的重创。在这种情况下,餐厅们依然挺身而出帮助别人。餐厅老板们的愿望简单又朴素,他们深爱这个城市,希望作为社区的一员尽到自己的力量。他们不计成本地做出美味又营养的食物,仿佛每天在进行厨艺大赛。这个特殊的行动,实际上也传播了中华美食文化,让更多的人爱上了中餐。
With the initial stage of the Food with Love program has been successfully completed, CCCWA, WSRF, and Tsinghua GIX (all three non-profits organizations) together kicked off the second phase of this program: “You help them, we’ll help you!” The program calls for all corners of society to continue to donate and support those restaurants that have already enthusiastically participated in this effort. As we all know, the restaurant industry has suffered unprecedented costs from Covid-19. Even in this situation, restaurants have still stepped forward and helped others. The motivation of these restaurant owners is pure and simple—they deeply care about this city and want to put forth their best effort as members of their communities. They make gourmet and nutritious meals without consideration of costs, repeatedly every day as if they were in a gastronomical competition. These activities are actually elevating and raising awareness of Chinese gourmet culture, making more people love and appreciate Chinese food.

With so many of their restaurants closing in China, Imperial Garden continues to persevere and be generous, passionately caring for those frontline workers battling Covid-19.

IJ Sushi Burrito在这段时间里本来暂停营业,他们是专门为了爱心行动,来到店里辛勤工作。不少受赠人员表示非常感动。
IJ Sushi Burrito, which had originally temporarily closed, decided to stay open and prepare meals just for the Food with Love program. Many beneficiaries of these donations have expressed how deeply they were moved by such kindness.

Husband and wife Leo and Lucy, owners of Frying Fish, started their business from scratch and have worked hard for many years in the Seattle region. Even during a sudden 70% drop in business, “helping others is a kind of priceless happiness and fortune. We want to contribute as much as we can, and pull back only when we can’t hold on any longer.”

The young owner of Chengdu Memory, Laura, despite a daily busy schedule that doesn’t grant her enough sleep, still makes beautiful and creative cakes for hospital workers with her own hands.
6月8日,WSCRF将他们新近募集的24,100美元,以支票形式汇聚到行动善款中。WSCRF和WSCRC会长J. Norwell Coquillard先生表示:“华中基金会很高兴参与并支持‘爱心餐’这个既有创新性又有意义的活动。在为抗击Covid-19的一线人员供餐的同时,也支持当地的餐饮企业。我们感谢WSCRC的会员和朋友,为本活动的成功积极做出贡献。我们也很高兴能和CCCWA以及清华GIX合作,期待今后有更多的合作机会。”
On June 8, the WSCRF deposited checks for nearly $24,000 into this charitable program. According to WSCRF and WSCRC President J. Norwell Coquillard, “The Washington State China Relations Fund is pleased to support this highly innovative and meaningful effort to support both our business community and those workers who are on the front line of the battle against Covid-19. We are very pleased that our members and friends stepped up to help make this program a success. We enjoyed the opportunity to work with CCCWA and Tsinghua GIX and look forward to more cooperation in the future.”

爱心午餐行动于今年3月由华州中国总商会CCCWA和豆捞坊中餐厅、IJ Sushi Burrito发起,由本地区13家餐厅精心制作午餐,通过专业外卖平台chowbus派送给抗疫前线的医护人员、警察和消防员。CCCWA会长吕莉莉女士说:“面对共同的危机,我们选择站在一起。每个人的小爱心,汇集成整体的大爱心,我们是一个社区,一个整体。”
Initiated by CCCWA, the Dolar Shop Restaurant, and IJ Sushi Burrito, the program recruited 13 restaurants to prepare meals, which are delivered to beneficiaries including frontline healthcare professionals, police, and firefighters by Chowbus. The program would not have been possible without the generous donations from these participating restaurants. As explained by CCCWA President Lu Lili: “We choose to stand together when facing a common crisis. A little love from everyone combined becomes a lot of love. We’re one community, united.”

在行动的最初阶段,豆捞坊、IJ Sushi Burrito,刘一手火锅、沸腾鱼乡、颐和园北京烤鸭店和蓉城老火锅等6家知名餐厅承诺并全额捐赠了价值24.2万美元的爱心套餐。接着又有芙蓉湘、小肥羊、百味轩、上海味道坊、熊猫点心、九号巷火锅、晶晶外卖和Tamarindos等多家中餐厅、印度餐厅、泰餐厅和越南餐厅加入。整个过程中,也不断有协办组织和志愿者陆续加入行动。
At the start of the program, six well-known restaurants—the Dolar Shop, IJ Sushi Burrito, Liuyishou Hotpot, Frying Fish, Imperial Garden, and Chengdu Memory—promised to fully donate meals valued at $242,000. Shortly thereafter, more restaurants joined the program, including Sizzling Pot King, Little Sheep, J&J Chinese Restaurant, Shanghai House, Panda Dimsum, Number 9 Alley Pot King, Jingjing Market, and Tamarindos. Throughout the entire process, more organizations and volunteers have continuously signed up to help.

Tsinghua GIX North American Managing Director Guo Wenyan said that: “Since Tsinghua GIX was founded in the Seattle area in early 2016, we’ve actively participated in innovation and education activities in Washington state. During the Covid-19 crisis, it’s been even more important for us to leave the classroom and join the fight against the pandemic. We’re thrilled to be able to partner with the CCCWA and WSCRF to promote the Food with Love Program and do such down-to-earth activities to support frontline doctors, nurses, and service providers, our favorite restaurants that have been deeply impacted, and people who need help. Please support this program!”
The WSCRF is a Washington nonprofit educational organization, recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS. As a new sister entity of the Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC), the oldest non-governmental organization advocating at the state level for increased trade connections with China, WSCRF works closely with WSCRC to promote educational and charitable programs, exchanges, and understanding between the State of Washington and China.
清华GIX北美中心基于Global Innovation Exchange(GIX)全球创新项目合作的需求而建立,是注册于美国华盛顿州的非盈利组织。全球创新学院(GIX),是两所世界顶尖研究型大学—-中国的清华大学与美国的华盛顿大学,在微软公司支持下,合作搭建的具有多元文化优势的开放性教育和科研平台,致力于培养具有全球视野和创新精神的领军人才,探索解决一系列包括可持续发展、移动医疗在内的各类全球性挑战。
About Tsinghua GIX North America
Tsinghua GIX Institute North America, a nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Washington, is the representative of Tsinghua University to participate in GIX collaborations, to promote and operate Tsinghua University education programs in the North America. Our mission is to prepare the next generation of Chinese and American innovators, entrepreneurs to tackle the world’s most challenging problems through global collaboration and technological innovation.
扫描下载 Chowbus App捐赠爱心午餐
CCCWA华盛顿州中国总商会 Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Washington State
WSCRC华盛顿州中国理事会 Washington State China Relations Council
WSCRF华盛顿州中国基金会 Washington State China Relations Fund
清华GIX北美中心 Tsinghua The Global Innovation Exchange
Chowbus Inc.
颐和园北京烤鸭店 (Imperial Garden)
刘一手(LIUYISHOU HOT POT)上海味道坊(Shanghai House Restaurant)
芙蓉湘(Sizzling Pot King)
九号巷(No.9 Alley Hot Pot)
百味轩(J&J Chinese Restaurant)
小肥羊(快乐小羊Happy Lamb Hot Pot)
熊猫点心(Panda Dim Sum)
Tamarindos Indian Restaurant
西雅图创业协会(Seattle Entrepreneurship Club)
西雅图移民之家(Seattle Chinese New immigrants Center)阳光青少年教育发展基金会(Sunshine Youth Culture and Education Development Association )西雅图地产投资俱乐部(Seattle Real Estate Investment Club )
Issaquah Highlands Chinese Heritage Club
美国经纬有限公司(Jing Wei LLC)
SC Intl Realty (2062289404)蔡和蔡律师事务所( Cai & Cai Associates)拓宏美国(Create World America Real Estate Inc.)
太平洋日升国际公司 (Pacific Sunrise International Corp)
For donations, it would be great if you can direct people to the donation page on our website https://www.wscrf.org/donate/. If this is not possible, please use the PayPal information below as well as other ways to donate. I’ve also attached the IRS determination letter that approves our 501(c)(3) status.
PayPal: Send payment to admin@wscrc.org
Check Payment
Make Check Payable to: Washington State China Relations Fund
Address: Washington State China Relations Fund
1301 5th Ave, Suite 1500
Seattle, WA 98101
Bank Transfer
Bank Name: East West Bank
Account Name: Washington State China Relations Fund
Routing Number: 125108492
Account Number: 8662009086
总指挥:CCCWA 会长 吕莉莉; 邮箱:lvlili0219@sina.com, 微信:lili2999
总律师:蔡和蔡律师事务所 蔡清; 邮箱:Alex.cai@cai-law.com Tel: 425-7535188
配送组组长:Michelle Lei; 邮箱:michelle@chowbus.com
公司或个人捐赠资金,请联系财务组组长:阳光青少年教育基金会/西雅图房地产俱乐部李晓艳; 邮箱:eli@create-world.us
医疗机构如需爱心便当,请联系外联组组长:Sylvia Chin(Issaquah Highlands Chinese Heritage Club); 邮箱:screalty.seattle@gmail.com
CCCWA商会事务请联系: Lei; 邮箱:info@ccc-wa.org 微信:gloriachatting
文宣组组长:Grace Gu; 邮箱:gracegu99@gmail.com
募捐组组长:那济源; 邮箱:jay-na@att.net